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Early Education

Toddler, Preschool & Junior Kindergarten

The ages of 18 months to 4 years old mark an integral period of a child’s intellectual and emotional development. While in our Early Education program, children grow by leaps and bounds; during this time of cognitive development, Pilgrim School focuses on Discovery. Students are introduced to foundational concepts through storytelling, art, and music, which encourages them to treat play as a tool to holistically understand themselves and the world around them. 

Through focused practice, Early Education students develop the intellectual, emotional, and social skills needed to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom. Our Early Education program forms students that delight in discovery and encourages them to share their findings with those around them. 

What sets our Early Education program apart? 

Early Education is split into three separate programs, and each is differentiated in the following ways:

Our Toddler program focuses on the transition to school life by familiarizing children with classroom routines. Our teachers create  separation practices that help both parents and children feel comfortable and happy during the transition from home to school.  Skills children learn include: self-help skills, following simple directions, interacting with teachers and peers, expressing emotions and ideas, and strengthening physical stamina and hand-eye coordination. 

In addition to these outcomes, children are also exposed to our dedicated Early Education/Elementary library, music, physical literacy, and various arts classes. 

Our Preschool program builds on the strong foundation of the Toddler program to help children explore more complex social relationships and intellectual concepts. 

Activities are structured to move children from the parallel play skills (playing alone next to others) nurtured in the Toddler program to interactive play (playing with others), which is vital to facilitating emotional and social development. 

Skills children learn include: naming shapes and colors, following multi-step directions, gaining comfort with writing instruments, building endurance during physical activities, and understanding social limits and solving interpersonal problems. 

In addition to these outcomes, children are also exposed to our dedicated Early Education/Elementary library, music, physical literacy, and various arts classes. 

Our Jr. Kindergarten program is the bridge directly tying skills developed in the Early Education programs to the curriculum they learn in Kindergarten. 

Jr. Kindergarten students are provided with an emergent curriculum that children explore through observation, interactive play, and rich and meaningful learning experiences. This forms the bedrock of the Pilgrim educational experience, cultivating self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. 

Skills children master include: detailed understanding of narratives and stories, following complex instructions, mastery of high-dexterity activities like taping objects and using scissors, and improved agility and balance. 

In addition to these outcomes, children are also exposed to our dedicated Early Education/Elementary library, music, and physical literacy, and various arts classes. 

Learn More About Our Early Education Program

Email our Early Education Director